In The Switched Baby Scandal by Theresa Meyers, Taylor Lawrence is trying to sue the father of her little girl in order to receive child support. He may have abandoned her when he found out she was pregnant, but he is still the father and has a responsibility, or so she believes. When the DNA results she needs to take to court are being read to her, she cannot believe what they are saying, not only is her ex not the father but she is not the mother either! If she does not find out what really happened they may take her little Emily away from her, and she needs to know what happened to the child she carried in her womb for nine months.
Reece Wallace has been living a dull life for the past year, since a drunk driver killed not only his wife but his daughter Alyssa too. Every time he hears a young child he thinks he will see his little girl running and laughing, but that was taken away from him. To his surprise he receives a letter from Clemens County Hospital, where his daughter was born, about some confusion and that he needs to contact them urgently.